
The 神经肌肉的程序 cares for patients with a wide variety of neuromuscular diseases. Our multi-specialty clinics use a combination of therapies, 比如语言治疗, 物理治疗, and other rehabilitation methods. 我们提供 专业的测试 对于各种疾病.

We have specialty clinics for those with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) 肌肉萎缩症. We work closely with the following departments and programs:

居民 can learn more about our Clinical Neurophysiology 研究员hip.


We treat a range of neuromuscular conditions, including general conditions, 手臂状况, 腿的状况.


We treat the following general neuromuscular conditions:

  • Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a disease affecting the nervous system that has no known cure at this time. Our ALS中心 is dedicated to finding its cause and effective treatment and provides education and support for patients and their families.
  • 自主神经病变 is a group of symptoms caused by damage to nerves that regulate blood pressure, 心率, 排空肠道和膀胱, 消化, 以及其他身体功能.
  • Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease defines a group of inherited, slowly progressive disorders that result from progressive damage to nerves. Symptoms include numbness and wasting of muscle tissue, 首先是脚和腿, 然后是手和胳膊.
  • Chronic inflammatory polyneuropathy is nerve inflammation that results in loss of movement or sensation.
  • 糖尿病性神经病 is a common complication of diabetes, in which nerves are damaged as a result of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels).
  • 格林-巴利综合征 is a serious disorder that occurs when the body's defense (immune) system mistakenly attacks part of the nervous system. This leads to nerve inflammation that causes muscle 弱点, which continues to get worse.
  • 包涵体肌炎 is a rare disease that occurs later in life and weakens muscles over time. While it does not cause pain and is not life-threatening, it can cause disability and particularly affects the arms and legs.
  • 肌肉萎缩症 is a group of disorders that involve progressive muscle 弱点 and loss of muscle tissue.
  • 重症肌无力 is a neuromuscular disorder characterized by variable 弱点 of voluntary muscles, which often improves with rest and worsens with activity. The condition is caused by an abnormal immune response.
  • 肌病 is the 弱点 of muscle tissue due to problems with the muscle fibers. Symptoms can include cramping or stiffness and are often seen in patients with diseases such as muscular dystrophy.
  • 神经痛 is pain that follows the path of a specific nerve.
  • 多肌炎 is a relatively uncommon inflammatory disease that causes significant muscle 弱点.


We treat the following neuromuscular 手臂状况:

  • 臂plexopathy is decreased movement or sensation in the arm and shoulder due to a nerve problem.
  • 腕管综合症 is compression of the median nerve at the wrist, which may result in numbness, 刺痛, 弱点, or muscle damage in the hand and fingers.
  • 颈神经根病, 或者急性痛风性关节炎, is a sudden attack of pain in the joints that occurs when uric acid builds up.
  • 径向神经病变, or radial nerve dysfunction, is a problem with the movement or sensation of the back of the arm (triceps), 前臂, 或者手.
  • 尺骨神经病变, 或者尺神经功能障碍, is a problem with the nerve that travels from the wrist to the shoulder. The condition causes movement or sensation problems in the wrist and hand.


We treat the following neuromuscular conditions of the legs:

  • Diabetic peripheral neuropathy is a common complication of diabetes, in which nerves are damaged as a result of hyperglycemia (high blood sugar levels).
  • 周围神经病变 is a problem with the nerves that carry information to and from the brain and spinal cord. This produces pain, loss of sensation, and inability to control muscles.
  • 腓侧的神经病变, or common peroneal nerve dysfunction, is a disorder caused by damage to the peroneal nerve, characterized by loss of movement or sensation in the foot and leg.
  • 坐骨神经痛 is a condition involving pain, 弱点, numbness, or 刺痛 in the leg. It is caused by injury to or compression of the sciatic nerve.
  • 胫骨神经病变, or tibial nerve dysfunction, is a loss of movement or sensation in the lower leg, caused by damage to the tibial nerve.